How to Drink Wine When Watching the Presidential Debates

Presidential Debates

The Best Way to Drink Wine When Watching the Presidential Debates

Many people want to know how to go through a presidential debate, especially when it gets boring and infuriating. This article will explain how wine can best smooth the way when you are watching the debate.

The article will cover these topics:

  1. Wine-friend the debate!
  2. Wine off the debate!
  3. Wineterrupt the debate!
  4. Winesplain the debate!
  5. Wine deep into the debate!
  6. Winesmash the debate!


The useful glass of wine

He had never been interested in politics; in fact, he shouldn’t have; thirty years of hard work and he had ended up in a cheap condo with a sick wife, barely managing to make ends meet. He didn’t even have medical care insurance by any government or private company. All he had always thought of was work and his family. Once he used to be a religious man, believing that God would make everything come right at the end but that was a long time ago, a time he could barely remember. For the past fifteen years, he had only worked hard just to earn enough money for those occasional allowances he sent his two daughters studying in other towns and to pay for his wife’s treatment costs. As expected, such a life of a member of the lower working class leaves no room for politics.

As much as he hated politics, things had been a bit different now. There was a heated atmosphere in town and everyone was talking about politics. The economy was suffering, unemployment was high, and everyone was looking forward to a change. Wherever you went, they were talking about the upcoming presidential elections. He had actually even heard in the local bar today that the new presidential candidate had promised medical care for all if he was elected. He never trusted politicians but you know what desperation can lead to; it can make you hang on even the faintest possibility; it can make you believe in any kind of metaphysical entity if it can give you a single ray of hope for things in your life to get better; and such was our old John’s circumstances; he was ready to shake hands with his enemy if he only knew his life could move on only one short step forward; so when his friends told him that there was a presidential debate that night, he immediately thought of watching it.

The clock struck nine and he put down his newspaper, got up from his rocking chair, went to the kitchen and brought his bottle of wine along with a glass. Then he sauntered into the living room and turned on the TV, an old Grundig, and then slowly walked to the ragged sofa in front of it. He had a plump figure with a big belly and he always wore suspenders. The debate had already started and one candidate was talking, in fact, shouting. He poured the first glass and started sipping at it, watching the debate. It was the first minutes of the show but he was surprised at how disrespectful the candidates were; for a moment, he thought the two guys standing at the podiums were other people arguing and not the actual candidates, but soon he realized they were the very candidates themselves in fact; as you will have guessed, he wasn’t familiar with the contemporary political trends and his image of a president was still what he had read in books about Abraham Lincoln.

Five or six shots and the debate had even gotten worse; interruptions, insults, and accusations, nothing else. He was tipsy and angry at the same time. The only thing he never heard during the debate was the words he was prepared to hear; freedom, people, democracy; words he thought true politicians were supposed to care about, but there was none.

There was a rapid pulse on his temple and he was still sipping at his glass. He fell into deep thought for a moment and almost every problem he had in his life flashed past his eyes; his wife, his two daughters, the bills he had to pay, everything. Hopelessness conquered him and in a sudden attack of overwhelming desperation, he threw the glass at the TV screen. The screen was shattered to pieces with a loud noise and wine covered the carpet. He didn’t show any sign of anger and looked coldly at the screen. He then got up slowly and went to the kitchen to bring something to clean the mess.


  • Wine and politics are besties

Politics is an area of human knowledge that originally evolved from a personal and individual policy. After the advent of civilization and the actualization of the community as an independent self-sustained entity, politics gradually evolved into an area of expertise in the hands of the rulers of the society, using it in their negotiations or even in the case of war with other such entities or countries. Therefore, politics has ever since been in the hands of a specific group of people, most of whom don’t really want other people to have a say in this, and so naturally, a lot of people have usually been uninterested in it; this interest has always waxed and waned though. Even after the advent of democracy and the democratic management of the society, this lack of interest has prevailed and more sensibly so, as this active interest in politics to the benefit of the people has been delegated to the civil institutions.

So I gather that it is highly likely that you are not interested in politics; however, you might have also felt that we are living in times when sensitivity to politics is heightened, so again I gather that even if you weren’t much interested in politics, you are now. And so it is likely that you have intended to watch the presidential debates running at the moment, and in order to smooth it up a little for you, I would recommend drinking wine along.

Now why wine during the presidential elections and not something else? Well, wine is a mystical drink, it is magical, it has accompanied us through many ups and downs throughout history, it has been in the courts of many kings, great kings, weaker ones; it has been a silent companion of rebels, heroes, and outlaws. So why not have it by your side when you are watching the presidential debates?

Moreover, I am well aware that watching a political debate can be infuriating, especially as you might not hear what you expect at all; therefore, I would recommend that you have a glass of wine by your side to let the experience go smoothly.

But still, in order to spice up the activity, I am going to recommend some simple ways to add some entertainment to it too. So order your Nik Pegasus Cabernet Sauvignon today and wait for the next presidential debate!


  • Creative ways to incorporate wine into the debate-watching


  1. Wine-friend the debate!

The simplest way to spice up any event is the presence of friends. Friends can take away any negative feelings you might get during an activity. So you can invite some of your friends and watch the debate together. This way, if there is anything interesting or even nerve-racking during the show, you can discuss it with your friends; or you can even talk about something else with them, something that is fun and not to do with politics at all. You can all sip at your wine and cross your legs and just talk about something else; as simple as that.


  1. Wine off the debate!

We all know that there are not always the best of us in politics; there are times when those who really don’t deserve to be managing the society are squatting in the position; this is really infuriating and it might subconsciously keep pestering you, but this is when wine can play its part. Whenever something comes up during the event that causes you to think the person is really not fit for the job, you can decide to take a sip at your wine together with your friends and just shrug it off. Another thing you could do on such occasions is to sip at your wine again and talk about another person you know who you think is fitter for the position. Others can call out other names too and a more fruitful discussion can arise out of it, a discussion with a more constructive outcome than all the insults you might hear during the debate. Whenever something comes up that reminds you that the candidate is really out at sea, just pick up your Merlot glass, smile, look at your friends, and say “John would definitely make a much better president!”


  1. Wineterrupt the debate!

We all have our roots in history and every nation has its own national heroes; those who have changed the course of history and have been an inspiration to millions. These people’s names come up everywhere over and over again, so why not do it when you are watching a political debate? Once you get tired of all the irrelevant remarks made during a debate, you can drink a little wine and remember great people in history, a president who did a heroic job or made very difficult decisions in critical times. This way, you make sure you don’t get drifted away by current affairs and at the same time, you have kept the memory of great people in history. You and your friends can also compare the current candidates with the person you have mentioned and make comparisons.

In case you were wondering, yes, it is true, with all these activities going on while you are watching the debate, you might miss a great portion of the show, but don’t worry! You are not missing much; I assure you!


  1. Winesplain the debate!

If you are watching the debate with the family, try to turn all the experience into a constructive one, specifically for your kids. You know how? Well, make a deal with the kids; every time a candidate says something he shouldn’t, if he makes an insult that you think is not appropriate, or if he breaks the rules of a healthy conversation, the kids must pick up their glass of wine and sip at it; you will do it after them of course. This way you are both teaching and testing your kids on the rules of a healthy life. This is the case if your kids are over 18 though; if the children are under 18, you can play this game with a different drink; the same result. Through this game, you are actually turning a political activity into a fun game and at the same time, you make sure you are building a better future by raising your kids in a healthy way.


  1. Wine deep into the debate!

A very meaningful way to deal with the presidential debates would be to follow it in detail.  This would be useful if you are very much interested in politics or your job really depends on which candidate will be president. This is how you should go; put your wine and a notebook beside you on a coffee table and keep watching. Take notes of the key points the candidates make, then at any interval, take a sip of your wine and contemplate over it and take any further notes if necessary. This way you take an active role in the destiny of your nation and you can be part of the movement that can hold a president accountable for what they do after they are elected.


  1. Winesmash the debate!

Now the final and the most interesting thing you can do during a presidential debate. Imagine you are watching the debate and it reaches a point when you hear so much abuse, insult, and interruptions that you reach a point of no return. In this case, stay calm; pick up your glass of Nik Pegasus wine, take a couple of sips, then throw it at TV and smash the screen with the glass!

Just remember not to throw the bottle; Nik Pegasus wine bottles are really elegant and they can be a perfect choice for your bottle collection!