6 Differences between Wine Drinkers and Other Drinkers


Are wine drinkers really different from other drinkers? Well, here we will say that they are. The image revolving around wine and wine drinkers is basically different from that of other drinkers. If you are interested to know about the differences between wine drinkers and other spirit drinkers, read this article.

This article will cover the following topics:

  • The seven-day trial
  • Are wine drinkers really different?
  1. Wine has aesthetic value
  2. Wine is food-friendly
  3. Wine is slow and elegant
  4. Wine is less alcohol-driven
  5. Wine is more sophisticated
  6. Wine is more romantic
  • The difference doesn’t matter



  • The seven-day trial
  • Day 1

He came into the bar and saw her again as usual. He turned his head towards her and sized her up and down and then went to the bar, ordered a beer, and sat down, stealing a look at her every once in a while. She returned only one of her glances and then looked away; useless; she didn’t seem to be interested. He drank his beer and left.

  • Day 2

He casually walked into the bar again and she was there as usual. He gave his usual look and went to the bar, ordered a shot of scotch, and sat down. Half an hour and some occasional looks again and he got up and left.


  • Day 3

He entered the bar at the usual time and looked around but she wasn’t there. He had somehow gotten used to her presence; the bar was only meaningful to him with her presence across from him. He sauntered to the bar hopelessly and ordered a glass of whiskey. He was still looking around when the door opened and she came in with her friends, having her usual smile on her face. As if knowing what she and her friends were talking about, he smiled too. Even the sight of her made him happy. She walked and sat down at her usual table with her friends. He kept sipping at his whiskey smiling. The usual half-hour stays, the looks, the smiles, and he left.


  • Day 4

She was sitting alone when he entered the bar. Their looks met each other and they both smiled. It looked like she had noticed his curious looks as well. He sat down and ordered a glass of tequila today. She took a glance at him and kept looking into her phone.


  • Day 5

Today was the vodka day; he kept sipping at his vodka and waited for her to arrive any moment. He knew she would come. Half an hour had passed her usual arrival time but she wasn’t there yet. He had things to do at home but he had deliberately stayed longer to have a chance to see her but nada, there was no sign of her. He stayed a bit longer too and then got up; he was still looking back into the shop when he was crossing the road.


  • Day 6

It was late and he hurried to the bar. he entered and looked straight at her usual seat. There was an ugly fat woman sitting in her place and she smiled at him as he came in, but where was she? He was looking around and walking towards the bar when he suddenly tripped over and was about to fall down, he managed to lean on the table and push himself back up.

“Are you okay?” a voice said. He looked up and there she was, with her usual smile.

“Yeah, fine, yeah, how about you?” it took him a second to realize what a foolish question he had asked. He didn’t wait for an answer and just smiled and quickly went over to the bar. He quickly ordered a glass of gin and sipped at it fast. He could only look back at her after a few minutes but she was talking to a guy sitting beside her. Maybe she wasn’t interested in him at all. He was beginning to feel disappointed.


  • Day 7

He had been sitting in the bar for half an hour now, not drinking anything. She was there too but he didn’t look much. There were none of those occasional looks. He somehow felt it wasn’t his day; besides, he was beginning to think she wasn’t interested at all. He turned to the bartender and ordered a glass of zinfandel; he was thoughtful today and wine suited his mood more. He got the wine and started sipping at it drowned in his imagination. He didn’t know how long had passed but he suddenly noticed a figure sitting in front of him. He blinked and the sight became clear; there she was smiling at him.

“Can you get me a drink?”


  • Are wine drinkers really different?

Well, wine drinkers are basically drinkers; that goes without saying, but is that so? One of the ways to recognize if there is a difference is to look into the image wine has among people. You may hardly find the image of a wine drinker as a real drinker. There is less criticism revolving around it; there are fewer, if no, alcoholics with it; it accompanies numerous gatherings; and above all, it is considered healthy.

Let us list some of the basic differences between wine drinkers and other drinkers.


  1. Wine has aesthetic value

Wine has aesthetic value; everything about it has an aura of beauty around it; the color, the bottle, the way it is served, its glassware; everything. It accompanies events that have aesthetic value as well; weddings, romantic dates, friends’ get-togethers, formal meetings of writers and poets, and many more. It is chic and elegant. It is the first choice if you want to impress someone. The name champagne alone could bring with it some very beautiful associations. Imagine a Nik Pegasus Pearl bottle in front of you while you are talking to your beloved; isn’t it beautiful?


  1. Wine is food-friendly

You could hardly find any other drink that could go with so many different types of food as wine. There are drinks that can be accompanied by certain food but your choices are limited with them; however, name some kind of food and wine connoisseurs will tell you what kind of wine it goes with: steak with Cabernet Sauvignon, grilled meat with Sauvignon Blanc, seafood with white wine, dessert with some type of light white wine as well, and so on. This is partly because of the vast varieties of wine that exist; but still, what types of spirits can you name that have such a huge variety?


  1. Wine is slow and elegant

Do you know a person who chugs wine? Well, even if there are, it is strictly forbidden among wine drinkers; chugging any other kind of drink is bad enough too though, but more people do it anyway. Wine is originally the drink for a sophisticated gathering where people drink, think, and talk. The best way to drink wine is to sip it little by little and keep doing whatever you are doing, specifically talking or thinking. Who can deny the pleasure of drinking zinfandel with a group of friends all through the evening on a weekend?


  1. Wine is less alcohol-driven

Well, we all know that there is alcohol in wine, and in fact, wine is called an alcoholic drink, a spirit, after all; however, if you look carefully and inspect the image that revolves around wine, you will see that alcohol is only partly associated with wine and it makes up only a small share of the appeal. Even on the surface, wine is made up of numerous other ingredients; fruit tones, tannins, and many others besides alcohol, and it is these that wine drinkers usually care about as well. Well, needless to say, without alcohol, The wine will turn into some kind of fruit juice. The point here is not to only name the ingredients of wine, as other spirits have ingredients too; what is meant here is mostly the image that wine has in people’s minds. You could hardly find an alcoholic with wine.


  1. Wine is more sophisticated

Say what you want but the image of a wine drinker is a sophisticated person in my mind. A wine drinker is someone who thinks, who is probably educated and is a sociable person. Whatever wine brings to your mind, you must admit that it has been with humans throughout most of the documented history. All old civilizations had some kind of fermented drink and drank it. People drank wine in ancient Greece too. Most famous poets and philosophers drank it and they even have writings about it; take Khayyam for instance, the Persian philosopher and poet. So drink your Cabernet Sauvignon and feel all the great people in history beside you.


  1. Wine is more romantic

Well, this goes without saying. A date with chardonnay is the most romantic occasion, isn’t it? No other spirit could rival wine in this respect. Think of champagne; I’m sure the first thing that comes to your mind is a wedding or a date. The reason is clear too, wine is the oldest spirit in the world and it has accompanied most great lovers. Another reason for this is the wine’s mild nature; its alcohol level is quite moderate and there is a perfect balance to it. Besides, wine is more woman-friendly too; most women prefer wine to other drinks. So, the drink has come to be a perfect match for romantic occasions.


  • The difference doesn’t matter

Whatever the difference between wine and other spirits, or between wine drinkers and other drinkers, wine has given and is giving pleasure to millions around the world. It is pretty much its image that has given the drink such appeal. So why not join the wine-drinking world and enjoy your time with it with your loved ones around you? So order your Nik Pegasus cab now and feel like a unique person.