6 Fun Facts about Wine

6 Fun Facts about Wine

What are some of the most interesting fun facts about wine?


This is the 6 fun facts about wine:


The truth behind a story

“Promise me! Promise me you’ll never let go” said Jack with a shivering voice. He was leaning on the wooden door floating on the quiet ocean current with Rose laying on it. The water was freezing cold and Jack’s half-in the water body was gradually freezing.

“I will never let go. I will never let go” replied Rose summoning the last traces of warmth left in her “it is cold” she continued faintly, tightly holding on Jack’s hand and gripping on it firmly.

And so the story goes on and I’m sure you will have guessed what scene it was; the climax of the movie Titanic where Jack saves Rose’s life at the cost of his own. Jack’s body freezes and Rose finds a lifeboat to get on and you know the rest.

Well, this is what you all know; but what you DON’T know is the secrets behind this scene that have been censored in the public release of the movie.

Yes it is true, Jack is half in the water and Rose is lying on the drifting wood. The water temperature in that time of year must have been somewhere around 28˚F (-2˚C) _ a temperature just enough for a person to survive only for around one hour. But wait, being immersed in that cold water keeps you conscious only for around 20 minutes; you will go unconscious around that time and then will quietly leave this world while you are asleep. Well, how did Jack survive for a longer period than that? Let me tell you, Rose was actually holding a bottle of red wine she had saved from the ship in her hand and occasionally helped Jack sip at it, and this was how Jack survived for a longer time; the red wine kept his body warm. Of course, this scene was omitted from the movie.

And now the most important of all; Rose calls Jack when she sees a safety boat in sight but he doesn’t answer. She kisses him and lets him go when he floats in water dead. She rushes to another drifting piece of wood, takes the whistle from the dead guard lying on it, and blows it for help. Well, she acted hastily, because there are many accounts that suggest Jack was alive, he was just unconscious. Floating in water at a freezing cold temperature causes your body to experience hypothermia; this is what happens when your body temperature falls below the usual 98.6 ˚F (37˚C); you first go unconscious and then die. Jack could have still been alive when she left him but Rose let him die in sleep in the middle of nowhere; red wine and a life wasted together!

What happened to the bottle Rose was holding? Well, the bottle fell off her numb hand while she was unconscious and went deep down into the ocean and it is now resting on the ocean bed somewhere near the necklace!


Fun facts about wine

The human mind loves mysteries and maybe that’s why some interesting fun facts always appeal to people; something that happened in history, a person who did something extraordinary, and the origin of something, and so on. It is always unpredictable that attracts humans and maybe that’s why they are attracted to such unknown facts. Fortunately, there is a lot of fun and funny facts revolving around wine as well.


  1. Fun facts for the health addict

  • Caring about your health more than necessary is the new trend these days; we all have a friend who is on a strict diet or one who almost lives in the gym; fitness has become a cult these days. Well, no objection to that, but just to reassure these health addicts, and as you might already know, red wine is good for your health. In fact, research shows that a little red wine every day is better for your health than not drinking at all.
  • You might have heard a lot about the health benefits of red wine; that drunk in moderation, wine can prevent cardiovascular diseases; but you might not know that most of these benefits come from a type of polyphenol found especially in red wine, which is called tannin. Tannins inhibit cholesterol plaque in the blood and hence prevent heart stroke.
  • It is very difficult to say which variety of wine is better for your health, but as numerous studies have proved, red wines are generally healthier and that’s because they contain higher concentrations of tannin; and even among red wines, there are some types that include more tannin. Cabernet Sauvignon, for instance, is a varietal that contains relatively higher levels of tannin than many others. So drink a glass of Nik Pegasus Cab every day and ensure your heart!
  • There are of course red varieties of wine that have even higher levels of tannins; Petite Sirah or Sagrantino are those with the highest amounts of tannins in them.
  • Another health-friendly ingredient in red wine is the antioxidant. Antioxidants also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as lowering the risk of death by type 2 diabetes.

However, all of this is true if you drink in moderation. ‘The more the merrier’ rule doesn’t apply here. Drink a glass every day and stay healthy!


  1. Fun facts for the history lover

History always carries a lot of mysteries with itself. Almost everything has a history. Everything started from somewhere and it has some origin. Being almost as old as civilization, wine has left a lot of traces of itself in history as well, many of which are very interesting.

  • For instance, there were huge pottery jars found in excavations of the Neolithic village of Skara Brae. The village belongs to the later part of the Stone Age and is located in Britain.
  • Historical accounts show that there were wine-drinking parties in ancient Greece.
  • Did you know that the ritual of toasting comes from the actual act of putting a toast into the drink to enhance its flavor? In fact, during the 16th century, people dropped a scorched toast into wine and then drank it. The bread helped soak some of the wine’s acidity and therefore improved its taste. Later, the act came to represent the person in whose honor the ‘toasting’ was done, and later it became part of the wine ritual among all wine-drinkers. In his play ‘Merry Wives of Windsor’, Shakespeare mentions this ritual in one act when Falstaff asks for a quart of wine and demands to ‘put a toast’ in it.
  • Did you know that 26 jars of wine were found in the excavations of Tutankhamun’s tomb, the great pharaoh of Egypt? In fact, it is said that the builders of Giza pyramids had rations of beer every day.
  • Did you know that almost every civilization had some sort of fermented drink similar to wine which served the same purposes? The Chinese had wine from rice, Mayans had Pulque, which was made from fermented corn, and Mongols drank Kumis, which was a drink made from a mare’s fermented milk. As for the famous Greek,The wine was more than just a drink and it was actually a sign of civilization; the Greeks viewed those who didn’t drink wine with suspicion. They believed that water-drinking made a person surly and curmudgeonly while drinking wine made a man convivial, creative and passionate.
  • Hammurabi, the Babylonian king, who reigned in the 18th century BC., had passed a law that punished the fraudulent wine-seller. And in case you wonder, the punishment was to be drowned in the river!


  1. Fun facts for the curious

  • You might have noticed that some wine connoisseurs fill their glass less than halfway and then swirl the drink inside the glass before drinking it. Filling the glass halfway allows them to swirl the drink and swirling in turn allows for the powerful aromas of wine to be released.
  • Did you know that red wine gets lighter in color as it ages? The color of red wine comes from a pigment called anthocyanin which is found in the skin of red grapes. On the other hand, white wines gain in color as they age.
  • Did you know that California is the 4th largest producer of wine in the world? It only comes next to France, Spain, and Italy. Speaking of California, Nik Pegasus has some of the finest wines in California. Try it!
  • Did you know that Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used wine in some of his remedies? He even used wine as an antiseptic in some treatments.
  • Did you know that there didn’t used to be any variety of white grapes in the past? Studies show that grapes were originally red and white varieties actually were the result of a genetic mutation that occurred in the genes of red grapes. This is pretty convincing as Pinot Noir and Pinot Blanc share the same DNA.
  • Did you know that Titanic holds the oldest wine cellar in the world? When divers went down to the bottom of the ocean where the ship lies, they found a wine bottle lying completely intact.
  • Do you know why wine connoisseurs hold the glass by the stem? Well, the reason is to prevent the hand from raising the temperature of the wine.
  • There are around 5000 plant compounds in a bottle of red wine! Tannin is only one of them, however, probably the most important one.
  • It is possible to turn a red grape variety into white wine! Yes, it is true. In fact, it is the grape’s skin that creates red wine and not the juice, so it is possible. As for evidence, the champagne Blanc de Noir is made with both Pinot Noir and Meunier red grapes.
  • It might seem weird to us, but there are people who have an abnormal fear of wine! Yes, I know, it is difficult to imagine, but as much as it is unusual, there are such people and their disorder is called ‘oenophobia’.

Other disorders closely related to this phobia are ‘methyphobia’ (fear of alcohol) and ‘zythophobia’ (fear of wine and beer).


  1. Fun facts for the feminist

There is a well-known fact that women are more inclined to drink wine and that they are more wine-friendly. This could go back to the fact that wine is moderate in alcohol and so it appeals more to women. However, did you know that women’s stomach does not have the enzymes necessary for breaking down alcohol, and that this makes them better tasters of wine. The other reason that makes women better wine-tasters is their superior sense of smell.


  1. Fun facts for the macho type

Did you know that in Roman times, a husband could kill his wife if he saw her drinking wine? So brutal! I bet if they saw us drinking with our wives in the comfort of our homes, they would probably think we are aliens from outer space!

Although it was mentioned here that women are better tasters of alcohol, men have had some occasional heroic appearances in the wine world as well. In a blind tasting competition in 2003, a man shocked the whole wine world by identifying the brand, producer, and the production year of 43 out of 50 champagnes! Be proud if you are a man!

  1. Fun facts for the religious

Well, I guess you know that drinking wine or any other alcoholic drink is forbidden in many religions. On the other hand, there are some religions that have wine-drinking as part of their rituals; so much for the consistency of God!

Another interesting fact is that Vatican City consumes the most wine per capita in the whole world; that is, 74 liters per person per year. This amount is almost twice as much as the consumption in other parts of the world.



Back onboard the Titanic

Oh before I forget, my story at the beginning of this article about the Titanic was completely fictional. However, as you already read in the text, there were wine bottles on the ship when it sank and divers found them intact at the bottom of the ocean.