How to Create Meaning through Wine?

Do you know how to create meaning through wine?

In this article you will learn:

Lets start from top,


  1. We are surrounded by meanings

Look around! What do you see? A sofa, a refrigerator, a TV set, your cellphone, your laptop, anything.  Everything you see around yourself, in your room, in the community, or anywhere, has once been in somebody’s mind; existed in their imagination; somebody thought of them once. They came into existence for a reason and therefore, they all carry meaning with themselves. The meaning might be forgotten but in fact, it is there, you just don’t see it. Just think of the first person who used any of these inventions and the joy they had using it for the first time and you will remember part of its meaning. Combine this with the fact that there are thousands of concepts such as love, passion, loyalty, honesty, and so on and you will realize that we are surrounded by meanings.

However, among all these items, there are certain things that might even carry more meaning with themselves. Take ‘wine’ for instance; it has been with us for so long that you could call it a loyal friend. And do you think living with humans for such a long period leaves something completely intact, Preserved in its exact original state? If you think so, you are certainly wrong.

One reason for what I said is that wine has evolved with humans, for thousands of years. People have mastered their winemaking skills in all these years and wine has always come to represent the era we have been passing through. If once a few varieties of grapes were used to craft wine, today there are hundreds. If there used to be only a couple of fruit notes, now there are many; in fact, today’s wines have layered flavors, each complementing the other.

All in all, with this complex evolution, the wine that has reached our table definitely has elaborate layers of meaning along with its interacting layered flavors, and by investigating its facets of meaning, we can relate to it better and at the same time, use it to create meaning in those small occasions in our lives. Even if not an item of deep meaning, wine could be used just as an excuse to help you create meaning in your life. The only thing you need is to have an open mind and an open heart.


  1. Names give meaning

It goes without saying that names have meaning; even your name has a meaning, it comes from somewhere, it refers to something, or it is somebody else’s name in history. Well, so do wines, each bottle of wine has its own name. I’m not suggesting that names could create meaning on their own, or bestow a certain quality on the name-holder. Instead, I am suggesting that you use the name to create a special experience for yourself and the people around you.

Namely, a wine named ‘Lavish’ brings with itself an aura of ‘lavishness’ and you can think of it as a way to help you be more lavish, or create a lavish entertainment for yourself. Imagine you have invited a group of friends over and you have set an elaborate table with bottles of wine and other complements. Then what name could be better suited to this gathering than Lavish? And speaking of Lavish, Nik Pegasus has a Lavish too, which is quite suitable for such an occasion. Once uncorked, it’s rich aromas could instantly evoke all pleasant and indulgent associations in all the people present.

What comes to your mind when you think of gold? Well, value, preciousness, love, romance, and maybe girls, to name a few. Your association being any of the mentioned ones, you could use it to give meaning to your occasion. Imagine a bottle of wine named Gold between you and your loved one in a restaurant or at home, with the atmosphere vibrant with love;

  • Wouldn’t it be meaningful?
  • Or imagine you are going to take a present to a dear friend and the gift happens to be wine; don’t you think of the name?
  • Wouldn’t the name ‘Gold’ be meaningful to you?

Yes, I bet it would. And in this case, Nik Pegasus Gold is my recommendation. And just think of the way that friend would look upon your gift, especially if it is a girl! And in case you are wondering, or if you are thinking ‘who would think of the name on the bottle of wine?’, my response would be ‘well, life is all about such subtleties’; who knows? Start thinking about these tiny pleasures in life and your life might start changing for the better.


  1. Age gives meaning

Whether you know it or not, you have different feelings at every age you are at, that is, you have a different meaning for your life in different periods.

  • Your 20s are the indulgence period; it is the time of experience, so you should start trying as many different wines as you can, not mentioning any other kind of liquor; well, I’m getting paid to write about wine after all, and indeed I have more information about it, and we all know that it is a popular and prestigious drink.
  • Moving back to our discussion on creating meaning through wine, imagine you are turning 30 on your next birthday. Start the new decade in your life with something special. I believe your 30s are going to be your ‘experienced youth’, a period when you are still young and at the same time you are experiencing life at higher levels. So why not celebrate your 30th birthday with a young wine, a wine of around 5 years of age, for instance? This will remind you that you are young but still need experience.
  • When you turn 40: you are most probably well-established during your 40s, so celebrate the beginning of this decade by buying a vintage wine, a limited release wine, or champagne. This marks the beginning of a decade full of success and the memory will stay with you for the rest of the period.
  • When you turn 50: Your 50s are going to be the happiest times of your life so celebrate this period with something special. Why not celebrate the onset of these happy times with a wine that is as old as you. Find an aged wine that has been through the same ups and downs as yours, a wine that is reminiscent of the days you were a kid; drink it and think of the past days and envisage the days ahead.
  • When you turn 60: by the time you are 60, you are probably very well settled into life and you are enjoying it more than ever; you have an established family with possible grandchildren who are going to grow up in your 60s. So gather your family and drink a fine red wine like Cabernet Sauvignon or Riesling. These varietals are among those that age well and they can be a symbol of healthy aging, which is what you need at any age.

Speaking of aging, a meaningful action would be to store wine at a certain age and drink it later in life. Store a good variety of wine when you are 40 for instance and dig it out of the storeroom when you are 60. Just the sight of the bottle will bring back memories of your life. This could be more meaningful if you stored the wine with your partner or loved one; you can bring the bottle back together and drink to all these fruitful years of mutual life.

In case you are thinking of storing wine on your next birthday, I should say that wines with good structure tend to last longer. A well-balanced and well-structured wine from a good producer such as Nik Pegasus would be a suitable nominee for storage. It is Cabernet Sauvignon has a well-balanced structure and is likely to evolve in storage. Just remember to keep it in a dark and cool place to ensure it will keep its texture solidly. To be on the safe side, store wine from two or three good producers, and store them together. This way, you will make sure that if one goes bad, the other one is at hand.


  1. Shapes give meaning

Indeed, one way humans have always created meaning is through shapes and pictures. Think of all the visual arts that exist today and you will know why. Shapes can trigger complex meanings in mind. Now, with wine, what you have at your disposal is the bottle and the glassware, each of which can be meaningful in various ways.

Bottles of wine speak for themselves. Well, especially if taken as a gift, they are the first sight the person’s faces and that figures. As an example, an elegant, chic and especially tall bottle could mean the occasion is very special to you. It can symbolize a unique experience, and it would very well suit a first date or a first birthday occasion. Take the elegant Nik Pegasus Black bottle for instance; its solid black color can symbolize your rock-solid feelings for someone.

Likewise, glassware used with wine can also symbolize certain things and why not use them to add another layer to your wine drinking experience? For example, I recently came by some interesting and fun wine mugs and wine glasses specially made for quarantine time. It was some cute wine glassware with social distancing phrases written on them, reminding people to follow health protocols during the pandemic.

Well, these were just some examples; all I am trying to say is just that there are ways to pay attention to subtleties in order to add meaning to an experience, but you are the final judge and you have the final say in this. I’m just reminding you that there are ways to think beyond the ordinary. In this case, you can think of all the shapes and the meanings they could have for you. You could go for a certain color that has a specific meaning for you or the person close to you, you could even choose something just because it is funny; anything is possible as long as it shows you care about life.


  1. Words give meaning

We finally come to the closest of our creations to meaning in general; that is, ‘the word’, the most meaningful of all the things in this world. If you can’t create meaning through words, then forget meaning altogether. Just think how beautiful an occasion can become if it is accompanied by words! The effect can even become magical when there is wine involved.

Suppose you are taking wine as a gift to a birthday; wine itself is an elegant present but the influence could be doubled if it reaches the receiver with a beautiful sentence written on a card. The meaning you intend to give to the occasion will be sublime if you think and create the sentence by yourself.



  1. YOU give meaning

Well, all in all, the point I tried to make in this article was that meaning matters and that life can be boring without meaning. Even the most pleasing activities in this world would become dull if you take a passive stance on them; they will become just a dead routine activity done through habit alone; wine is just an example. What you read were just a few ways to give meaning to your life through wine. However, you must recognize the most essential element of the ‘meaning world’, that is, you, yourself. It is YOU who matters most. You are the one who gives meaning to your life, and there are an infinite number of ways once you set off on this journey. You can think of all the shapes, colors, words, and numerous other subtleties around wine that can create meaning for you. Find your own ways and not only will you enjoy more but you can make life more enjoyable for the people around you as well.