Matching Wine Gifts with Personality Types

Do You Know How To Match Wine Gifts with Personality Types?


In this article you will learn about:

Let’s start from top.


  1. The bipolar friend

I guess I didn’t tell you about the bipolar friend I once had. She was a reliable friend, but you know, there were times when she was really friendly, full of energy, and she was the best person on the face of this earth you could have as a friend; while there were times that she felt depressed, desperate, and those were the times when you couldn’t even put up with her for a second. Anyway, she was a friend after all and I cannot deny that I was somehow into her, maybe because she was very sexy. But it was after what happened one day that she literally became the first and last of such a friend I ever had.

Well, it was her birthday and all her friends and I had arranged a surprise party. We had arranged to meet near her place and then go and ring her bell and sing ‘Happy Birthday” and everything. We did so and it was awesome. She actually broke into tears when she saw us. She was super excited. We went in and everything was fine for an hour or so; we sang and danced, there was music and all.

Now it was time for unwrapping gifts and she sat down at the cake table and started unwrapping gifts. There were cheers and screams after each unwrapping and her voice stood out in all the shouts. Then it was time for my gift. I had brought a bottle of wine, a Tempranillo, gift wrapped in a beautiful bag. She picked up the bag and took out the short plump bottle out of the bag and held it for a while in her hands, looking at it. As usual, everybody started cheering and screaming but this time, I noticed that the volume was much lower. Well, she wasn’t helping, I realized. She was still holding the bottle in her hands looking at it as if there was a cobra wrapping itself around her wrist. Soon, the noise went down and the room was quiet, in an absolute shock. We were all waiting for her reaction. Then, in an unpredictable moment, we all heard a deafening high-pitched scream. It took us all a fraction of a second to realize where this unprecedented shriek was coming from; it was her, still holding the bottle and looking at it in horror and screaming at the top of her voice. She stood up still looking down and everybody was waiting to see what was going to fact, everything was happening so fast that no one had time to show any reaction. Then she picked up the bottle and smashed it down on the floor. We all saw the bottle shatter into pieces in front of us, with red wine splashing all over our clothes.

She now looked up and scanned each and every single one of us with her red hateful eyes. Once again she opened her mouth and threw all abuse she could think of at us and ended it with one sentence: “get out!”. We all just had time to grab our stuff and run away like a herd of gazelles escaping a cheetah. It is lucky we didn’t get stuck in the door!

We never realized what happened to her when she saw that wine.


  1. Learning a lesson

What happened that day made me ponder over numerous possibilities of the cause of that unfortunate event. There could have been many reasons; the shape of the bottle, the color, the wine itself, or simply a sudden panic attack that came over a bipolar character; but the only thing I could think of as a common person not knowing much about psychology, was wine! It was the least likely reason but this was the only thing that could soothe me at that time. So I started reading about different personality types and the wine that could match them.

There are different theories of personality in psychology, and every one of them focuses on some aspects of human nature; however, I used the Myers Briggs personality types to do my research. And to keep it simple, I have focused on two contrasting pairs in this personality type scale, that is, extrovert/introvert vs. feeling/thinking.


  1. Who are extroverts and introverts?

I guess all of you are familiar with the concept of extroversion. It is a rough equivalent for an outgoing or sociable personality in common language, but with a bit of more details in psychology.  Extroverts are outward-turning and enjoy being with others. They get their motivation from social activities and spending time with others, whereas introverts are more inward-turning and feel energized after taking part in meaningful and thoughtful social activities. Introverts are also more inclined to spend time alone, it sort of recharges them.

Another spectrum between whose each end personalities fall is the ‘Thinking-Feeling’ spectrum. People gather information from the world around them either through their senses or they arrive at it through intuition. The feeling-thinking inclination shows how people deal with such information. Those closer to the ‘thinking’ end make their decisions through thinking and place greater importance on facts and objective data and are more logical and impersonal in their decisions, whereas those closer to the ‘feeling’ end place more emphasis on feelings and emotions when they try to reach a conclusion.

Now let’s consider these personality types and the wine that matches them.


  1. Extroverted feelers

Extroverts always turn to the outside world for fuel. They get their energy from people and society and from taking part in social interactions. I am sure you all have that friend around you who is imaginative and full of energy. One who sees life as full of opportunities and improvises in difficult situations. Those are what I call ‘extroverted feelers’. They are warm-hearted and friendly, and they love cooperating with others. They are loyal, reliable, and responsible but at the same time enjoy being appreciated and welcome support from friends as well. Some judging types (versus a perceiving type) are also good leaders because they can locate potentials in the people around them. The judging type is the type of character that makes firm judgments about the world around them. Such people also facilitate group proceedings very well and can pay careful attention to other people’s needs and emotions. If anything needs to be done, it is best if left to them.

If you have such a person in your circle of friends, the best wine you could take them is a Merlot; other options would be a Carmenere or a Grenache.


  1. Extroverted thinkers

On the other hand, there are also those who are still extroverts but have a more rational approach to the decisions they make. They are also good group leaders and they make quick decisions in difficult situations. Besides, they have a realistic and matter-of-fact approach to problem-solving. They are the type that everybody remembers when there is a gathering; in fact, they are very good at organizing events and that is because they have a systematic approach in problem-solving; this quality helps them be good organizers. And maybe that’s why they are well-suited to managerial positions as they could be creative as well; they seldom do things in the same way; they are very resourceful. Also, if you have a friend who gets bored with things quickly and develops new interests very fast, they are this personality type; an extrovert and a thinker.

If you have a friend in this group and you want to bring a gift to their party, get a Tempranillo, or a Sangiovese. They might like it more, whether they know the reason or not!


  1. Introverted feelers

You are also definitely more or less familiar with the concept of introversion as well. However, you should not confuse it with being shy or reserved at all. Introverts cover a wide range of personality types with each having specific characteristics. Like extroverts, introverts also spread across the feeling/thinking continuum.

Unlike extroverts, who get their energy from people and the outside world, introverts connect better to ideas and the way these ideas relate to people and finally to the world. Introverted feelers are those who are friendly and conscientious while painfully accurate. They are also insightful and decisive and have firm personal values. Despite being friendly, there is only a small group of friends who surround this category of introverts, every one of whom quite familiar to them and they know exactly what is important to them and what can satisfy them.

Among such introverts, there are those perceiving ones (as opposed to judging) who are also friendly but quiet and sensitive. They have a built-in stress detector and instantly feel it in the air. Once in a group, they are very curious about the environment but any amount of stress or any kind of conflict makes them uncomfortable. Although they are very idealistic and hold strong internal values, they never force their opinion on others and adapt quickly unless the opinion thrown at them is against their core values.

In case you have such a friend around you, buy them a Petit Verdot or a Syrah. You can also get a Cabernet Franc or a Gamay for those introverted perceiving ones.


  1. Introverted Thinkers

Now we come to those introverts who are a more typical version of the type; that is, those who reach conclusions based on logical thinking rather than resorting to their feeling in the process of making a decision. They are the contemplative type and are able to see patterns when they look at the big picture. They are also the type that is inclined to make things happen and this ability makes them perfect to carry out complex jobs. They are also good organizers and have visionary ideas, making them have a knack for solving complex problems with the most realistic approach. These personalities have high standards and maybe this is why they only have a handful of good friends; in fact, most people annoy them.

Go for a Cabernet Sauvignon for such friends; the strong solid texture of this wine matches well with their complex nature and their high standards. Try Nik Pegasus’s Cab, its layered texture will definitely appeal to such personalities.

On the other end of the spectrum are those introverted thinkers who are perceiving as well, that is, when dealing with the outside world, they tend to be more open and adaptable rather than being inclined to have firm judgments towards the phenomena around them. Such personalities are more reserved because most things bore them and once they develop a liking toward something, they tend to have logical explanations for it. Being logically inclined, they love theories and abstract ideas. Some of them could even be skeptical of everything; however, they are very analytical when it comes to solving problems; they can analyze big and complex structures of data and draw patterns out of them. Like the other type of introverts, they also have an uncanny ability to come up with the most realistic solutions to any problem. This type is also very quiet and tends to be an observer rather than an action-oriented doer. This is because watching ‘how’ things happen is more appealing to them than ‘making’ things happen.

If you happen to have such a person in your surroundings, you can opt for a Pinot Noir or a Mourverde; These are the best wines for them.


  1. Final word

Whether an extrovert or an introvert, a thinker or a feeler, or having any other personality, friends are dear and the best person to decide on a gift for them is you! You know them better than anyone else, so think of what makes your friend happy and go for that. Your choice is certainly the most reliable of all.


  1. The bipolar again

Well, to tell you the truth, I didn’t learn a lesson from that event and I got in touch with her again. It is true; she was my first and last bipolar friend; but because I ended up getting married to her!

However, we got divorced after only a year; and you can guess why!